Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ahhh the joys of daycare....

It has been an interesting couple months with my daycare.

We pay up front for our daycare services. My kids have had one cold after another this winter and our daycare provider refuses to let the kids come when their noses are running (even if it's not green) and then we get a half credit (if we see a credit at all) for those days. She even accused me the other day of giving Zoe medicine before bringing her to make it seem like she was better. Tobyn has been refusing to go and cries everytime he is dropped off. When he gets home, he tells me that she has been mean to him and yelled at him. Now I know 3 three olds can tell stories, but as a Momma that is not what you want to hear. I want to hear that they had so much fun.

She has done so many great things too. She has helped us with potty training Zoe. Tobyn has learned so much in the preschool. Zoe is counting to three without help! I know they are learning at her house. I am just so conflicted.

Brian told me the other day that he is fed up and he doesn't want to take them anymore. He told me to let her know that next Friday is their last day. I wrote her a very nice letter and sent it.
But I am just so sick over it. I feel like I am not doing the right thing, but yet I know that I have every reason to leave. Why am I feeling this way?

1 comment:

Connie said...

you feel this way because as good as a day care provider can be, she is never as good as the mommy! You are a great mom and you can't be replaced by any day care provider. I HATED taking my kids to daycare that's why I vowed that I would do whatever it took to never have to do it again, even if it meant being poor. I hate to hear that this is happening because I know you loved it so much at first. I'm sorry, Shana. I know first hand how difficult this is. I hope you will be able to work it out.