Saturday, March 14, 2009

My decision

So, I started really thinking and praying about what I was going to do with my kids while I was sleeping. I had talked to my daycare and when I got off the phone with her, I was bawling. I didn't feel like we were making the right decision by pulling the kids from there.

I sat down and had a conversation with Brian. I asked him if the only that was bothering him was the money aspect. He told me that it was. He said if I talked to her about, then he was fine to have the kids go there. Grrrr....would have been nice to know before the whole 2 week notice to daycare....

Then I sat down with Tobyn. I said,"I know you would love to stay home with Mommy everyday, but that cannot be a choice for you right now. I want you to be happy while Mommy works and sleeps. So do you like to go to Chistene's house and play with your friends?" Tobyn said, "Yes, I like to play with my friends." So I said,
"Do you like to color and learn your numbers and letters?" And he said,"Yes."

So the decision was in my hands. When I look at the whole one will EVER take my place and be as good as the kids being home with me. So what is second best? Christine teaches them preschool and she does a GREAT job, she has helped me potty train Zoe, she has a strict sick policy (which can be good or bad for us), and she does fun activities with them. What am I complaining about??? I think what it came down to, is I was soooo sleep deprived, that everything and everyone was working against me and that included Christene. But the reality (that I realized after some much needed sleep, tears, and prayer) is that Christene is the second best for my kids.

You don't even know how much peace I feel about this situation. Thank God for sleep and direction.....the world looks so much better now!

1 comment:

Connie said...

it's such a difficult, heart-wrenching decision...but EVERYTHING is soooooo much more difficult when you are sleep deprived!!! I definately feel your pain!! I'm glad you feel better about the whole situation...and I'm glad you're back on facebook!!